Fashion Designer Feny Mustafas Hijab Headgear at Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Fashion Week | Kuala Lumpur's fashion week with plenty of fashion shows is a very colorful event. Quite similar to Indonesia Islamic fashion style the Kuala Lumpur fashion week bring a glimpse into Islam style women fashion. Islam wear, Muslim woman fashion, Islamic clothing and Islam inspired fashion designs were presented on all Muslim fashion shows in Kuala Lumpur during the fashion week. Sometimes Muslim women fashion looks a little bit like show only textile but no skin, why they always want to hide women behind some burka inspired fashion. I mean all women are not as ugly that they have to hide, or ? Scarf fashion is a little bit more liberal and usually marvelous colorful, Islam inspired scarves are a primary element in Islamic fashion. The middle eastern fashion moves more and more into everyday mainstream Malaysia, about 30 or 40 years ago I could hardly see any women in Malaysia wearing even a scarf, even at the upper east coast of Malaysia. There are a couple of Islamic fashion festival in Malaysia and Indonesia. Islam dress and Muslim fashions sometimes take elements from the native fashion of Malaysia and Indonesia and integrates it into Islamic fashion for women, here you can see plenty of pictures of fashion with roots in Arab fashion |  Feny Mustafas Head Gear and more | Islam dresses are somehow colorful most of the time indicating that the women wearing the dresses might be not so dull at all. I would say if adults wear Islam inspired fashion its ok, but leave the kids alone ! don't put kids below about 6 years of age into this heavy cover, they stop learning how to move because their body cant support | and handle the weight. They also cant breath properly, breathing is not only a matter of getting the air into the body via the mouth or nose, the whole body must breath if not, kids will become somehow handicapped and I wonder what they will tell their parents when they are 15 or older and are handicapped. So cut down your ego and leave the kids alone with this stuff, the less the kids wear the better for their health. Islam veils come in all kind of designs, sometimes simple, sometimes very Arabesque, it sometimes look like at carnival times in Venice. Progressive Arabian fashion mainly comes from Lebanon the Muslim fashion |  Islam clothing Children Girls | | designers in Beirut are sometimes very creative to get the right Islamic clothing together. Islam fashion inspired clothing becomes more and more mainstream Islam fashion, there is Islam clothing dress fashion for men and women. |  Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Fashion Week - Fashion Arabia hide the beauty |  Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Fashion Week - Islam fashion meets Grace Jones model with fashion of the Malaysian Designer Puan Nuraini |  Muslim Wear Creation of the local Designers Datin Noor |  Islam Fashion Kuala Lumpur Malaysia | The main idea behind Islam wear, in particular with Islam women clothing is, show black or colors but no skin. |  Muslim girl clothing | Hijab clothing and Hijab fashion in Malaysia is very popular. It could need some experimenting to wear Hijab in the right way, but after after some experimenting you know how to wear Hijab. Hijab is not just clothes for Muslim women made from batik, chiffon, cotton or modern fabrics you enclose your hair with it also expresses something. Hijab scarf and veil come in many different styles. |
|  Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Fashion Week - Black in Black a Creation of Ameera Aamer (Emirates)  Pretty Muslim wear creation of the local Designer Saiful Baharim |  Islam Fashion Design from Tuan Hasnah | |  Islam fashion clothes from Ameera Ameer to pop up Malaysia in the Islam Fashion World at Kuala Lumpur. |  Clothes Muslim Designer Nuraini maybe thought of a nordic ice skating sprinter. |  Muslim clothing Designer Nuraini maybe thought of a nordic ice skating sprinter. |  Islamic clothing Design from Tuan Hasnah Malaysia |  Muslim wear creation for the kids from Tuan Hasnah |  Islam fashion trends |  Muslim Dress |  Islam clothing colorful for children girls | |