MODIFIKASI Toyota Land Cruiser 200 2009

Evan Tjandra, which is an engineering dropout from the University of Tarumanegara this, understand very well how to change the look of this favorite car. "I wanted an elegant concept, let me different from others," said the man who single origin of this flower. first modifications besides MOTOR Magazine: Modified Cars & Lifestyle, of course, to focus on the reference of the virtual world, you name www.roadhouse address and eBay. Unmitigated, through the virtual world reference. Evan ordered a set of wheels Vellano VTA type who has a giant size 26x10 inches. "At that time, I ordered directly from Japan. Because the modifier here is still rare to provide that much size wheel. Yes there is, but his type is not sporty elegance is what I want, so it had to be ordered from the internet, "said homeowner music is one Citra Harmoni. Fortunately, the room is very spacious fenders able to accommodate the size of the clad alloy wheels tires Toyo 305/30ZR26 Proxes ST II is. Especially with the legs of the system standard factory default, not necessarily a lot of changes that are made. One set of wheels and tires must be redeemed for Rp 120 million. According to Eka Pradanawidi senior mechanical workshop in the region Eurostar Kebon Jeruk, West Jakarta. When ordering, are in accordance with the specifications of the car, which means no problems during installation. "Jump into kok. I just had to replace the wheel bolts again, because the old drat it was due to the installation of dol by force, "when found in his shop. Combination pretty as a pair of giant feet is the application of body kits. Not much design body kit for Toyota Land Cruisers. One option is to Elford. One set of body kit that he Boyong Elford worth USD 80 million, consisting of front bumper, rear, side skirts, and triangular-shaped tip mufflers. One set of body kit is also ordered over the same store through eBay's shopping sites. So for the shipment together with the wheels and tires, "It took about three months, from a message to Indonesia," said Evan. Up in Jakarta, then straight body kit painted and fitted in Sunter Hero Motors, which specializes in painting and the installation of body kits cartridge. The result, an elegant concept that dimau Evan realized, only through the touch of the sector and interior legs whose value reached USD 200 millions. Satisfaction was not only enjoyed Evan, SUV-even now as one video clip one property band is one label orbitan Citra Harmoni, T-Green origin of Cirebon. Steady.